Why the title 'Irrepressible'?

"These twelve principles mean a lot to me and have formed so much of my thinking over recent years. I hope they will give other people some practical handholds and a good dollop of hope". Cathy Madavan, speaker and author of Irrepressible: 12 principles for a courageous, resilient and fulfilling life tells us why she wrote the book, why the title 'Irrepressible' and how we should use this tool-kit.

Cathy1.What inspired you to write this book?

If I was a piece of rock, and you snapped me in half, it would say ‘resilient’ right through the middle of me. Although I’m known for my sense of humour and my loud laugh, I’ve had to learn to overcome quite a few hurdles in life - and for my husband Mark and I, learning to live with the loss of his sight has been a real endurance test. But I honestly believe that whatever curve-balls life throws at us – positive or challenging – we can grow in resilience and courage and we can live fulfilling purpose-filled lives. If we can’t control what happens to us, we can certainly influence what happens in us and our responses to those curve balls. These twelve principles mean a lot to me and have formed so much of my thinking over recent years. I hope they will give other people some practical handholds and a good dollop of hope.

2. Why the title 'Irrepressible'?

The word itself means unable to be repressed or held down. The reality is we all get knocked down, but we don’t have to stay knocked out. Personally, I think the word ‘irrepressible’ has a real vitality to it – it suggests to me that we can not only bounce back but we can lean in and make a difference in the world. I love that.

3. How should this book be read? Is this a book to read in one sitting? Or should it be dipped into over time and reflected upon?

I am guessing some people will zoom right through this book. It is pretty easy and practical to read. However, I hope it is the kind of book that is more of a tool-kit that can be returned to again and again in different contexts and seasons. There are concepts, checklists and also questions at the end of each chapter that would be ideal for more in depth personal reflection, for a book group or for weekly team meetings in the workplace. Each memorable principle can be used and applied in a variety of places.

4. Was there ever a "light bulb moment"/defining moment in in your career or personal life where you realised you were/could be irrepressible?

Every time I have had to face a fear and have got through it (learning something new along the way), I realise that we each have capacity in us that we often don’t even realise, until we have to deploy it! I am an adventurous person by nature, and I have learned to take risks, but there was no one light bulb moment for me. Just a series of moments where I have stepped out, been honest and vulnerable, trusting and believing that this moment is training for the next moment. We don’t need to be defined by our failures or disappointments and we don’t need to be pigeon-hold by our success. We just have to courageously do the next right thing each day, with as much support and self-awareness as possible.

5. Do you have a favourite quote or principle from the book?

I think my favourite principle in this book is, “When the horse is dead, dismount!”. So many of us are good at saying yes and starting things, but to live wholeheartedly in our purposes, we also have to be able to say ‘goodbye’ and ‘no’ or to end a season where necessary. Although it’s often good to stay in the saddle and persevere, it’s not always a failure to get off the horse. Sometimes it is just wisdom. We can’t take hold of our next season if we are stubbornly holding to something that has expired. This is something of a mantra in my life. I hope it helps others too.

6. Finally, tell us three words that sum up this book!

Honest, practical and (hopefully!) wise.

IrrepressibleIrrepressible contains practical wisdom for living. Full of memorable principles, stories and self-reflection opportunities, it will develop capacity, courage and confidence in the face of life’s opportunities and challenges. 

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